The following steps are to be performed only when you are ready to capture an image of this base system drive: How To Install Symantec Endpoint Protection For Mac Right-click the desired client group and choose 'Export Communications Settings.' And save the SyLink.xml file. In your SEPM (Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager) choose a client group that you wish your clones to be a member of.This base image may be prepared with an unmanaged client and a communications settings file described in next step, if desired, and when another machine that is prepared with this image (a clone) starts for the first time, it can use this settings file to convert SEP to a managed client with desired group membership. Install a SEP for Mac client, managed or unmanaged.Install macOS, updates and other applications to the Macintosh that will act as the source (or base) of your disk image.To successfully create a drive image with a SEP for Mac client, suitable for cloning, follow these steps: How To Deploy Endpoint Security For Mac Free.How To Install Symantec Endpoint Protection For Mac.