If it does not need to be modified, I click the OK button to close the dialog box and create the shot.

Once all of the options have been selected in the New View/Shot Properties dialog box, I click the Preview button to test the animation. Then the Movement type, Duration, and Distance are set in the New View/Shot Properties dialog box. Then the Transition type and Transition duration are set in the New View/Shot Properties dialog box. The new shot is then given a View name, View category, and View type as needed. Then I click the New Shot button in the ShowMotion panel to open the New View/Shot Properties dialog box.

To create a ShowMotion shot, I use preset or custom views, zoom, orbit, and visual styles to adjust the display of the model to the required view. If I hover over a view it gets larger and the view category gets smaller. When I hover the cursor over a view category, its associated views are displayed above it in small thumbnails. The view categories are displayed in the larger thumbnails, above the toolbar. The ShowMotion panel opens, displaying the available categories and shots in a series of thumbnails and a toolbar containing the ShowMotion commands. I start ShowMotion by clicking the ShowMotion button in the Navigation Bar. To create the animation, I need to create a series of shots and views that display the model at all of the required zoom levels and angles. To do this I use ShowMotion, which enables me to capture movement and transitions between saved views, using an animation. Sometimes when working in the AutoCAD ® Architecture software I need to create animations to show a client how a building would look if they were moving around it.